The conference committee welcomes proposals for entire sessions of 1.5-2 hours duration on all aspects of economic and social history covering a wide range of periods and countries and, particularly, papers of an interdisciplinary nature. No more than 4 papers will be accepted for any one session.
Session organisers should submit their session proposal first, and then all speakers in the session can submit their paper proposals using the normal academic paper submission process. On that form, they will be able to indicate that their paper is in a session and select the session as part of that process.
It is the session organiser’s responsibility to ensure that authors submit their paper proposals and that they meet the same expectations as for individual paper submissions.
Please note that the committee reserves the right to determine which papers will be presented in the session if it is accepted. Each paper will be reviewed by the committee according to the same standards as individual paper submissions. If the session is accepted but one or more of the proposed papers is not, then the committee may assign an appropriate replacement. If a session is not accepted, the committee may incorporate one or more of the proposed papers into other sessions. Preference will be given to sessions that are gender balanced and bring together individuals from more than one university.
For full consideration, all session and subsequent paper proposals must be received by 16 September 2024.
Session proposals should be submitted online via the link below. You will be asked to submit: