11th EOGAN Annual Conference

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Date / time
10/06/2020 - 11/06/2020, All day

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 11th EOGAN Conference, the network of energy archives and researchers. This year the conference is organised in collaboration with the University of Aberdeen  The topic is: ‘The role of energy archives in present and future energy policies’.

Deadline for proposals: 29 February 2020.

11th EOGAN Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 11th EOGAN Conference, the network of energy archives and researchers. This year the conference is organised in collaboration with the University of Aberdeen, and will take place in Wick (Scotland, UK), at the very special headquarters of NUCLEUS (Nuclear and Caithness Archives).  The topic is: ‘The role of energy archives in present & future energy policies’.

Deadline for proposals: 29 February 2020