Leading academics will discuss what triggered and sustained innovation in the first Industrial Revolution, with one talk focusing on modern entrepreneurship, as a point of comparison.
Professor Joel Mokyr, Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Illinois and Sackler Professorial Fellow at Tel Aviv University, will talk on the ‘Incentives, Institutions, and Industrialization: A Prelude to Modern Economic Growth’.
Professor Emeritus John Styles of the University of Hertfordshire will discuss ‘Re-fashioning Industrial Revolution: Fibres, fashion and technical innovation in British cotton textiles,1630-1780’.
Dr Gill Cookson, Honorary Research Fellow, School of History at Leeds University will address Innovation in the time of Arkwright through a contextual approach to this period.
Dr Karolina Hutkova, London School of Economics will talk to us on The English East India Company’s silk enterprise in Bengal, 1750–1850.
Professor Simon Mosey, Director of the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Nottingham University will discuss ‘Building a legacy of ingenuity through entrepreneurial organisations’