Aaron Graham Memorial Lecture – ‘Revisiting the Unions of 1707 and 1801’

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Date / time
12/06/2024, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

UCL History invites members of staff, students and the alumni community to Aaron Graham’s Memorial Lecture, with Professor Julian Hoppit as our guest lecturer.

Revisiting the Unions of 1707 and 1801

The United Kingdom is a multi-national, composite, state. The two unions of 1707 and 1801, merging Scotland to England and Wales and then Ireland to Britain, were foundational to its development. Then and now they were controversial. In this lecture they are explored via themes central to Aaron Graham’s research, particularly the tax burdens and public expenditure envisaged. The argument is that arrangements in the 1707 Union were poorly drawn, leading to charges that Scotland was failing to pay its way. Things were settled very differently in 1801. However, this fiscal compact quickly proved unworkable, tainting Anglo-Irish relations until Irish independence through nationalist claims that Ireland was being over-taxed.

Lecture: LG26, Bentham House (17:15-18:30)
Reception: Archaeology Common Room (18:30-20:00)


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