African Economic History Network Annual Meeting

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Date / time
05/10/2023 - 06/10/2023, All day

University of Pretoria
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The African Economic History Network (AEHN), in association with Future Africa, University of Pretoria, and the Economic History Society of Southern Africa, is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the 16th Annual Meeting of the African Economic History Network. The meeting will take place at Future Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa on 5 and 6 October 2023.


Hosting the conference on the continent, the theme revolves around agency in Africa and its past. Africa has been influenced by numerous forces that have shaped its economic development. These forces include pre-colonial exchanges and experiences, colonialism, unfair global practices, international economic and political dynamics, migration, and gender inequality among others. To investigate the progress made to address these historical challenges, two decades into the twentieth century, an interdisciplinary reflection is needed on the state of African economies.  The AEHN meeting will provide an opportunity to revisit development by focusing on the role of African agencies. This includes questions on the role of networks, capital and access to markets.


The conference will be held at the newly designed and developed Future Africa Research Institute at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. Future Africa aims “to inspire science excellence to transform Africa and the world.” This provides an ideal venue for economists, historians, economic historians, and political scientists to exchange ideas on African agencies and the past. A keynote will be held by Prof. Alois Mlambo (Emeritus Professor, University of Pretoria). The second keynote speaker will be confirmed.


Papers on all aspects of African economic history are welcome, but preference will be given to those that pertain to the conference theme. Abstracts no longer than 500 words should be submitted to no later than 15 March 2023. Some bursaries will be available for graduate students and faculty from Africa. If applicable, please indicate the need for a bursary in your submission.


Host Committee

Dr Carolyn Chisadza, Department of Economics, University of Pretoria

Prof Tinashe Nyamunda, Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria

Dr Christie Swanepoel, Department of Economics, University of the Western Cape