Archives Portal Europe Event – Testing of a new tool for automated topic detection

Home > News & events > Archives Portal Europe Event – Testing of a new tool for automated topic detection
Date / time
11/02/2022, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Archives Portal Europe, the online repository of the European archival heritage, has created an AUTOMATED TOPIC DETECTION TOOL to expand and enhance the keyword research conducted by its users. The portal aggregates archival descriptions from more than 30 countries and 25 languages – all searchable through one simple search engine. In order to help researchers navigating this Babylon of languages, we have created an automated topic modelling tool that expands the keyword search of a single users, to create semantic connections with other documents in different languages.

We have organised a testing session to get fundamental feedback for its development – also, we will have prizes!

So if you are interested in digital archival research, you are researching a specific topic in archives, or you are simply curious to learn more about topic detection, please join us for this testing event on Fri 11 Feb, 2pm CET (1pm UK time) by simply registering on Eventbrite.

If you have any questions, please contact Marta Musso.
