Assessment in History: Reassessing the purpose and future of assessment in the study of history

Home > News & events > Assessment in History: Reassessing the purpose and future of assessment in the study of history
Date / time
08/10/2022, 10:00 am - 3:45 pm

This free event (on MS Teams) aims to reassess the purpose and future of assessment in history. Assessment is a fundamental part of undergraduate degrees, but what role does (or should or could) assessment play in the study of history in Higher Education? This event will explore how and why different assessments are being used including transitions to university, digital skills, creativity, employability. Everyone welcome.


10:00-10:10    Welcome and Introduction
10:10-11:00    A-Levels and Transitions to University
11:00-11:10    Short Break
11:10-12:00    Creative Assessment
12:00-12:45    Break
12:45-14:00    Skills and Employability
14:00-14:10    Short Break
14:10-15:00    Digital skills
15:00-15:25    The end of exams?
15:25-15:45    Roundtable: The future of history assessment – final thoughts and reflections


For more information and full details of the programme, please visit the History UK website.

Please email Sarah Holland to book a place.