CAGE summer school 2023: culture, history and development

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CAGE summer school 2023: culture, history and development
Date / time
26/06/2023 - 29/06/2023, All day

University of Warwick
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CAGE summer school 2023: culture, history and development

Location: University of Warwick

Dates: 26–29 June 2023

(Guests to arrive 25 June and depart 30 June)
Organisers: Prof. James Fenske and Prof. Bishnupriya Gupta


The summer school this year is on the interconnected themes of history, culture and development. The lectures will be on topics that help our understanding of patterns of development in history in different parts of the world, the role of culture in economic outcomes today, and understanding the role of institutions in dealing with economic challenges in developing economies.

The lecturers this year will be Robert Akerlof (Warwick), Stefano Caria (Warwick), Michela Giorcelli (UCLA), Karla Hoff (Columbia), Clément Imbert (Warwick), Mark Koyama (George Mason), Sharun Mukand (Warwick), Sahar Parsa (NYU), and Carol H. Shiue (Colorado).

The summer school is intended mainly for PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers in economic history cultural economics and development economics. The morning sessions will consist of lectures. The afternoon sessions will consist of presentations by students and postdocs, with feedback from the lecturers and other participants. For post lecture analysis, presentations will be professionally recorded and disseminated to summer school participants. Social interaction and networking is also a crucial part of the summer school programme. There is a welcome BBQ, a closing gala dinner, and an early finish mid-week for a group walk through the gentle central Warwickshire countryside to the historic market town of Kenilworth just south of the University of Warwick campus for a traditional English pub dinner.

Presentations can be on any aspect of economic history, cultural economics and development economics.


Accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge and economy only travel expenses up to £500 overseas, £250 Europe, and £75 UK will also be covered.

Expenses reimbursed post event. The CAGE Research Centre is fully accessible.

Applicants must be available for the duration of the summer school (25 – 30 June 2023).

How to apply

Applications should be sent to: by 28 April 2023.

Please include the following:

(1) A short CV (maximum one page) indicating your contact details and educational experience.

(2) Contact details for your supervisor, who will be asked to provide a supporting statement.

(3) A short abstract (maximum 500 words) of the research that you would like to present.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 12 May 2023.