CFP – LSE Graduate Economic History Seminar

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Date / time
17/01/2022 - 01/04/2022, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

LSE Department of Economic History
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The Department of Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science is now inviting applications for the Graduate Economic History Seminar series for the Lent term of the academic year 2021/22. The series runs weekly during term time on Wednesdays, from 1 to 2pm. Seminars are regularly attended by faculty and research students. The format is a 30-minute presentation followed by 30 minutes for questions and discussion. The seminar is ideal for PhD students at an advanced stage of research. It provides an opportunity to present a paper or a chapter, receive feedback, and test ideas and methodologies. We welcome qualitative and quantitative work alike on any topic of economic history, and we seek a diverse coverage of areas and time periods. We encourage students from all disciplines related to economic history to apply. We invite speakers to attend the seminar in person if circumstances allow, but will facilitate virtual presentations throughout the term.

The deadline to apply for presenting in the Lent term is the 7th of January 2022. The deadline to present in the Summer term will be communicated at a later stage. To apply, please submit an abstract of your paper or chapter (approx. 500 words) and a short CV to all three workshop conveners Juan Rivas-Moreno, Safya Morshed and Mikhail Kolosov:;;
Please indicate preferred dates you would be available to present, institutional affiliation and expected submission date of your PhD. Successful applicants will hear back from us by mid-January.
To stay updated with the seminar program, follow us on Twitter @LSEEcHist. We are looking forward to receiving your applications.
Term Dates
• Lent 2022: Monday 17 January – Friday 1 April 2022
• Summer 2022: Tuesday 3 May – Friday 17 June 2022