Doctoriales de l’ nergie 2022

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Date / time
05/07/2022 - 08/07/2022, All day

This next summer school will be held in Bordeaux from July 5th to 8th 2022.

The summer school provides a multidisciplinary environment for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the humanities and social sciences having specialisms in the history of energy. It will enable them to deepen their knowledge of the field, as well as to network with established researchers and collaborate in workshops. This event aims to create links between researchers and students from different countries and different backgrounds so as to enable them to meet each other outside any disciplinary barriers.

The summer school will be divided into a series of panels, each of which will start with a paper given by an established researcher. Participants will then present their work, and their preliminary findings, sources will be discussed. A workshop on the use of archives will stimulate reflection about the historian method. The summer school will also provide opportunities to visit key heritage sites, notably those linked with energy history.


More information on the summer school.


Application deadline – 10 April 2022