EOGAN Conference 2022 – The Energy Archives Network

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Date / time
09/06/2022 - 10/06/2022, All day

The 11th EOGAN Conference

The conference will take place (in hybrid form) at the Nucleas headquarters in Wick, Scotland.

The theme for the 2022 Conference is ‘The role of energy archives in present & future energy policies’.


Call for papers

This conference aims to discuss how energy history and archives can inform present energy knowledge and policies. Contributions on the following are welcomed:

  • Papers on energy from any discipline working on long series, whether qualitative or quantitative

  • Energy shifts and energy transitions in history

  • Past and present patterns of electrification and other energy networks

  • Cooperation for knowledge exchange in history

  • Past and present patterns of energy production and consumption

  • Relations between energy archivists/records managers, and political/economic actors

  • Methodologies for the analysis of long-term datasets

  • The problem of long-term retention and the gap between current and historical records in nuclear energy and other historical archives

  • Archives and records management for nuclear institutions

  • How energy archives can inform studies on climate change and transitions within companies

  • The information and archival/records management challenges for decommissioning and associated infrastructures in the face of climate change

  • Archiving efforts in relation to both new and old renewable energy technologies and energy sources

  • Other general archival resources that are useful for energy sector archives


Please submit your paper or an abstract of 250-300 words with a working title, to eogan.network@gmail.com by the 13th March 2022, along with a short biography including your name, email address and affiliation. The conference language will be English.