FAPESP/ CEPR São Paulo School in Financial History

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Date / time
02/07/2025 - 04/07/2025, All day

The São Paulo School of Economics of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) invites applications from advanced PhD students to a School in Financial History to be held in São Paulo July 2nd – 4th 2025. The School is sponsored by the São Paulo Research Council (FAPESP) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).

The School will be divided between individual presentations of research papers by PhD students and keynote lectures by senior faculty. You will receive feedback on your presentation from leading scholars in the field. Additionally, these scholars will deliver keynote speeches on the latest developments and trends in financial history, shedding light on the use of historical data and innovative research methodologies. Confirmed keynotes include Aldo Musacchio (Brandeis), Nathan Sussman (Geneva Graduate Institute), Sergio Lazzarini (Insper), and Coşkun Tunçer (UCL).

Moreover, the School will offer you the opportunity to develop core research skills, ranging from presenting your research project, receiving feedback and providing commentary on the work of your peers.

This School is aimed at advanced PhD students (2nd year and above) who can present a draft of one of their PhD chapters that falls on the thematic of the School. All else equal we will give precedence to students working on public debt or on the financial history of the Global South.

Local accommodation and travel costs will be covered by the organization for the selected students.

Deadline – 28 February 2025

More details and instructions on how to apply are available on the CEPR website.