Fifty Years since the Harvard Conference on the New Economic History of Britain: An Anniversary Conference

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Date / time
24/04/2020 - 25/04/2020, All day

Swansea University (Bay Campus)
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In September 1970, thirty-eight economic historians from Britain and the United States gathered at Harvard University for a landmark conference titled ‘The New Economic History of Britain: 1840-1930’. This conference inaugurated, in earnest, the use of cliometrics in the study of British economic history. Over the past half century, the use of cliometrics in the study of British economic history has not only endured but also flourished.

Deadline for proposals: 5 February 2020.

Organiser :
Name: Dr Brian Varian,
Institution: Swansea University

‘Fifty Years since the Harvard Conference on the New Economic History of Britain: An Anniversary Conference’ will commemorate the half-century anniversary of the original conference at Harvard University. The venue for the anniversary conference will shift across the Atlantic to Swansea University in Wales. The conference will be held from 24-25 April 2020.

Like the original conference, the anniversary conference will consist of presentations of papers that use cliometric approaches (broadly defined) to advance our understanding of the economic history of modern Britain. The overall aim of this conference is to bring together early career researchers (including PhD students) and established scholars. It will serve as a valuable opportunity for senior economic historians to impart their knowledge upon the next generation of economic historians.

Several of the participants in the original conference in 1970 will be reprising their participation at the anniversary conference. They include Derek Aldcroft, Roderick Floud, Knick Harley, Deirdre McCloskey, Wray Vamplew, and potentially others. At the conference, these individuals will engage in a panel discussion that considers both the legacy of the original conference and the future of cliometrics in the study of the economic history of modern Britain.

Financial support for this conference has been provided by the Royal Economic Society and the Economic History Society.

Economic historians are invited to propose papers that use cliometric approaches (broadly defined) to advance our understanding of the economic history of modern Britain. To propose a paper, please email an approximately 300-word extended abstract to the conference organiser, Brian Varian ( The last date to propose a paper for the conference is 5 February 2020. Applicants will be notified of decisions no later than 10 February 2020.

Proposals are welcome from economic historians at all stages of their academic careers. PhD students and early career researchers are especially encouraged to propose papers. Due to the generosity of the Royal Economic Society and Economic History Society, small bursaries of £100 (to defray travel and accommodation costs) are available to PhD students and early career researchers who have been accepted to present at the conference and who lack other funding.

Additional details of the conference are available on the conference website.

This conference is organised by Brian Varian. Please feel free to contact him with any questions.