Gender and Political Groups in Britain c. 1650-1950

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Date / time
12/10/2022 - 01/11/2022, All day

Conference to be held at the University of Northampton Centre for Historical Studies, Friday 19th May 2023. One consistent feature of political life in Britain, both in and outside of parliament, has been the formation and development of groups of people with a shared interest, aim or ideology. Although admission or participation has not always been exclusively gendered, this conference invites papers that explore the significance of gender when contextualising the study of political groups and how, why and when they formed. Defining the ‘political’ in a broad sense, proposals may consider, but are not limited to the following:

-histories of emotions within gendered groups
-extra-parliamentary political groups
-women’s political gatherings
-social, philanthropic or movements for reform
-material evidence of the gendered nature of political groups
-women’s involvement in the formation of political parties
-masculine political meeting spaces. Abstracts of no more than 250 words for a 20 minute paper OR a research poster to be displayed throughout the day should be sent to convenors Kathrina and Kerry, by 1st November 2022.