Gentry, Nobility, and Aristocracy: Post-Feudal Perspectives

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Date / time
25/09/2024 - 27/09/2024, All day

Registration is now open for the upcoming conference, “Gentry, Nobility, and Aristocracy: Post-Feudal Perspectives”, the 14th edition of the ‘Genealogies of Memory’ series, taking place on 25–27 September 2024 at the University of Warsaw.
This year’s conference will bring together over forty distinguished scholars from across the globe to explore the complex memory of landed gentry and the long-term social impacts of the post-feudal era. The event promises to offer thought-provoking insights into the enduring legacy of landowning elites in modern European societies.

The conference will feature a keynote lecture by Prof. Longina Jakubowska (Utrecht University), as well as a roundtable discussion moderated by Prof. Anna Wylegała (Polish Academy of Sciences), and will include experts such as Prof. Tomasz Zarycki (University of Warsaw), Prof. Constantin Iordachi (Central European University, Vienna), Prof. Maria Wakounig (University of Vienna), and Dr. Radmila Švaříčková Slabáková (Palacký University, Olomouc).


How to Register
You can register by completing the form available here: Registration Form Genealogies of Memory 2024 (
For more details on the conference, visit: Genealogies of Memory 2024

Keep an eye on the ENRS website for more news about the conference and the full program.