History UK Pedagogy Forum – Can core units ever be popular?

Home > News & events > History UK Pedagogy Forum – Can core units ever be popular?
Date / time
13/09/2023, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Core modules are – as the name suggests – at the heart of how we deliver history programmes in UK HE. However, as many of us know, they are often much less popular with our students than optional modules. In this discussion-based forum, we’ll hear from convenors of some large-scale core units at different institutions about what has (and hasn’t…) worked well when trying to get students to engage with such important parts of their degree. We’ll also have plenty of time to share tips and tricks about planning and delivering modules on key skills as we consider how (and indeed if) we can make our core units popular.

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Find out more about the pedagogy forum via the HUK website.
