Introduction to Automated Transcription for Economic History

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Date / time
01/01/2024 - 31/03/2024, All day

This short course will provide a basic introduction to automated transcriptions tools for Economic Historians. The aim of the course is to provide a practical, hands-on introduction to using these tools. There are no prior requirements, the course is meant to introduce these methods to non-technical researchers, without a computing background. The materials for this course will made available online.

The course will consist of four sessions:

  1. Introductory lecture: Available here.
  2. Workshops in Python:
    1. Printed Documents
    2. Handwritten Documents
  3. Workshop on Transkribus

The course will be led by Aurelius Noble, a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics who works on long-run wealth inequality and automated methods for transcribing and annotating historical documents.

If you want to sign-up for the workshops (January-March 2024), please fill in this form.