Monetary unions in history: a financial history conference

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Monetary unions in history: a financial history conference
Date / time
01/07/2022, All day

Hyatt Regency
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eabh in cooperation with the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)

This conference will discuss the phenomenon of currency unions in a global historical context with a special focus on the challenges brought about by trends of isolationism and confrontation.

Motivation, design and factors explaining the resilience (or the lack thereof) of currency unions will be among the themes to discuss – against a backdrop of captivating historical, geographic and institutional experiences.

As history continues into modern-day initiatives like the Economic and Monetary Union in the EU, a glimpse into the future of currency unions may also engage the conference agenda.

A platform to distil academic and policy insights, the event should attract scholars as well as central bankers interested in both the theory and historical experience of currency unions.

The programme is available here.

Registration is open here.
