Oxford Graduate Seminar in Economic and Social History 2023-2024

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Date / time
08/10/2023 - 15/06/2024, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Nuffield College
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The University of Oxford programme for Economic and Social History and Nuffield College, Oxford, are inviting applications to present papers for the 2023-2024 round of the Graduate Seminar in Economic and Social History. The seminar series is an engaging forum granting graduate students from across the globe the chance to receive helpful feedback and inflame interest in their burgeoning research. We welcome qualitative and quantitative research alike on any aspect of economic and social history and encourage students from all disciplines related to apply.

The Graduate Seminar in Economic and Social History is well attended by faculty and graduate students from History, Economic History, and related disciplines. Each session consists of a 30-minute presentation by the guest speaker followed by 30 minutes of discussion and questions from the audience.


The seminar will take place weekly during term time (see dates below) on Wednesdays, from 1 to 2pm. While the opportunity to present online is possible under exceptional circumstances, we strongly encourage speakers to attend in-person at Nuffield College, Oxford, as they will find the intimate academic environment both valuable and invigorating.


Interested graduate students can apply by sending an abstract of their project (max. 500 words, in English) and their CV to eshoxford2023@gmail.com by 5 PM BST on the 8th of September 2023. Please indicate your preferred dates of presentation in the email. Successful applicants for Michaelmas Term will hear back from us by mid-September 2023; successful applicants for Hilary Term will hear back from us by mid-October 2023; and successful applicants for Trinity Term will be informed by the 5th of December 2023 at the very latest.


Information about past seminars can be found here: https://ocesh.web.ox.ac.uk/


Term Dates
Michaelmas 2023        October 8 – December 2

Hilary 2023                 January 14 – March 9

Trinity 2023                April 21 – June 15