Registration open for Travel, Transculturality and Identity in Early Modern England, 1550-1700 (TIDE) On Belonging 2 Conference

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Date / time
27/07/2021 - 30/07/2021, All day

The European Research Council-funded TIDE project (Travel, Transculturality, and Identity in England, c.1550-1700) is delighted to announce that registration is now open for the online summer conference, ‘On Belonging 2: English Conceptions of Migration and Belonging, 1550-1700’ (27-30 July 2021). Join us as we explore questions of identity, migration, and belonging in the early modern period in a range of fascinating panels, discussions, roundtables, lightning talks, and creative sessions. For more information, including conference proceedings and the TIDE Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity statement, follow the link: Registration is open until Friday 16 July through Eventbrite:

While the conference is free to attend, we do encourage those in permanent, full-time employment to donate to the Society of Renaissance Studies. The SRS supports scholarly activity at all stages by providing annual postdoctoral fellowships, conference support, public engagement awards, doctoral scholarships and support for students at MA level. For more information and to donate, please follow the link:

We look forward to seeing you all virtually at ‘On Belonging 2’, and hope that you will also join us the following weekend for TIDE-fest. This 2-day literary festival will feature a range of events, including Q&As, writing workshops, and discussions with authors and creatives, including TIDE Visiting Writers Fred d’Aguiar, Sarah Howe, Nikesh Shukla, Preti Taneja, and Elif Shafak. More information and instructions on how to register for events will be available on the TIDE website in due course.