The History of the Corporation

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Date / time
10/06/2021, 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

In anticipation of the sixth Global Corporate Governance Colloquium, which will be hosted by Yale Law School on 11-12 June 2021, the organisers will present a virtual workshop on ‘The History of the Corporation’ on 10 June 2021. The workshop will journey through Imperial Russia, turn of the century Egypt and China, Edwardian Britain and the Gilded Age US, exploring issues of corporate governance that continue to resonate in the present day. The morning sessions will examine the relative performance of western-style corporations and their indigenous alternatives in Russia, Egypt, and China. The afternoon papers will re-examine structures of corporate governance and control in the US and Britain in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. The conference will end with commentary that draws out the broader implications of these historical studies, setting up themes that will run through the discussions of the next two days.


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