Women’s Committee Online Workshop 2021

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Women's Committee Online Workshop 2021
Date / time
20/11/2021, 10:00 am - 4:45 pm

This online workshop will explore several themes around interdisciplinarity. In particular it will look at issues such as working as a historian outside of a History department, how historians have approached adopting theories and methodologies from other disciplines, and what it is like for those from another discipline to work with historians.

We are grateful to our speakers for sharing their lived experiences around these themes. They will each give a talk/presentation from their own perspective, but most of the time will be given for Q&A and discussion. This workshop is therefore is designed to be informative, but mostly interactive and supportive.

We hope you can join us and share your own experiences.

Please note that the ‘room’ will be open all day for networking purposes.

If you have any questions, please email Sheryllynne Haggerty.


Register now for the workshop.



Meet online



Welcome, housekeeping and notices

Sheryllynne Haggerty (Chair, Women’s Committee)



Working as an Historian – but not in History

Judy Stephenson (UCL) “Life in a Business Department”


Misha Ewen (Historic Places) “Navigating Public History: Academia and Beyond”


Lunch and online networking



Working with Historians – coming from another discipline

Cassandra Gooptar (Dundee) “A Caribbean Perspective: The Challenges of an Early Career Interdisciplinary Researcher Building an Academic Career in the UK”


John Haggerty (SHU) “Working with Historians: A Computer Scientist’s Perspective”


Coffee and online chat available



Historians adopting methodologies from other disciplines

Peter Buckles (Liverpool) “Becoming an Historian Social Network Analyst”


Sheryllynne Haggerty (WISE, Liverpool) “Adopting socio-economic theory; we’re all interdisciplinarians now?”


Closing remarks
