Online resources

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  • ReFRESH: Recent Findings of Research in Economic and Social History. This series, published in pamphlet form twice-yearly between 1985-2001, and amounting to 30 issues in all, was designed to help history teachers keep abreast of current developments in economic and social history. Whilst no longer an active series, the 30 issues are available on-line as pdf files.
  • e-ReFRESH: designed to remain abreast with electronic times, the series offers insight into current research and thought in economic and social history.
  • VoxEU: is a policy portal set up by the Centre for Economic Policy Research in conjunction with a consortium of national sites.
  • FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) an online database of more than 45,000 economic data time series from over 40 national, international, public, and private sources.
  • NBER Macrohistory Database. These 3,036 series cover the pre-WWI and interwar economies, including production, construction, employment, money, prices, asset market transactions, foreign trade, and government activity.
  • The archives of the Casa di San Giorgio of Genoa (1407-1805).