Did you publish during lockdown? Did you keep in touch with your users and network? If so, why not consider applying for the British Records Association (BRA)’s Harley Prize of £500. The Prize is intended to generate interest in archives, and raise awareness of research and achievements in the world of archives. It is open to applications from archivists, conservators, owners of archives, and researchers, including academic researchers, local historians and genealogists.
Submissions do not need to have been published in hard copy. They can include electronic publications, blogs and other online means of promoting archives. If you are proud of what you did during lockdown (or after!), please consider entering it for the Prize.
The BRA has agreed to extend the deadline for submissions in 2022 to 30 September, in order to receive a greater selection of applications. We hope to hold the Prizegiving at the same time as the BRA’s annual Maurice Bond Memorial Lecture, early in 2023.
Terms and conditions and further details about how to apply can be found on the BRA web-site.
Any questions should please be directed to Amanda Engineer.