The Janette Harley Prize 2023 – British Records Association

May 18, 2023 | Other news
Home > The Janette Harley Prize 2023 – British Records Association

The British Records Association (BRA) is delighted to announce that entry to the 2023 Janette Harley Prize is now open.


The prize is intended to generate interest in archives, and raise awareness of research and achievements in the world of archives. It is open to applications from archivists, conservators, owners of archives, and researchers, including academic researchers, local historians and genealogists.

Submissions do not need to have been published in hard copy. They can include electronic publications, blogs and other online means of promoting archives.

A prize of £500 will be awarded to the winning entry.

  • The joint winners of the 2022 Janette Harley Prize were Dr Janet Weston (Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) and Charlie Barnes (Dead Earnest Theatre) for Power and Protection – the history of the Court of Protection, two short films and a website created as part of ‘Measuring Mental Capacity’, a research study funded by the Wellcome Trust. The films and website can be found at Power and Protection | LSHTM.
  • The prizewinner in 2021 was Dr Amy L Erickson, Robinson College, Cambridge, for City Women in the 18th Century, a free open-air exhibition in autumn 2019 about women who ran luxury businesses in the City of London in the 18th century; and a supporting article, ‘Esther Sleepe, fanmaker, and her family’, Eighteenth-Century Life, 42 (2) (2018), pp.15-37.
  • The 2020 prizewinner was Steven King for his book Writing the Lives of the English Poor 1750s-1830s (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019).

The closing date for entries to the 2023 Janette Harley Prize is 31 July. We hope to announce the winning entry in November and the prize presentation will take place at the same time as the annual Maurice Bond Lecture, in spring 2024.

Terms and conditions and further details about how to apply can be found on the BRA website.


For any queries and to submit entries email the Secretary of the BRA.