Archives of Economic Life: A Researching Event for Historians of Capitalism and Corporate Archivists

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Date / time
08/06/2023 - 09/06/2023, All day

The Centre for Economic Cultures at the University of Manchester invites submissions for a two-day networking workshop for historians of economic life in the UK, to be held on June 8 and 9, 2023.

The workshop will bring together early- and mid-career researchers in the history of capitalism, business, and economic life to discuss research interests and reflect on the history of capitalism in the UK. Scholars will not only engage with each other but will also work with archivists from some of the leading corporate collections in the UK, exploring opportunities for collaboration and research development.

The organizers are keen to identify scholars in the UK pursuing the history of global capitalism and interested in the possibilities that corporate archives might provide in terms of knowledge mobilization and impact agendas. The history of capitalism is understood capaciously – including the history of economic life, business, political economy, consumption, labour, and economic thought – as well as transnationally, and a variety of methodological approaches are welcome.

Proceedings will include small-group workshops to discuss shared challenges, presentations of research agendas/works in progress, and panel discussions. The emphasis will be on meeting and discussing rather than formal presentations, but participants should expect to speak about their research agendas and works-in-progress.

Please send an email to the organizer, Dr. Alexia Yates outlining your interest in the workshop, along with a short CV (2 pages) and a 300-word description of a relevant work-in-progress by May 12, 2023. Funding from the AHRC is available to support travel and accommodation expenses.

This call can also be accessed here.