IHR Women’s History Seminar – PhD ‘lightning talks’

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IHR Women's History Seminar - PhD 'lightning talks'
Date / time
31/07/2024, All day

The Women’s History Seminar at the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) is organising a panel of ‘lightning talks’ (max 5 minutes) by PhD students who work on women’s or gender history to be held in the 2024/5 academic year. This is a great opportunity to disseminate your research to an engaged audience of PhD students and academics. This will be an in-person event only. Afterwards, those present are welcome to join seminar convenors for post-seminar drinks and sociability.

The Women’s History Seminar, running since 1986, is a friendly, collaborative forum of scholars at all levels, open to all, which discusses a wide range of research on women's and gender history. The fortnightly seminar series is on Friday nights in term time at 5.30pm at the IHR. Our webpage in a few months’ time will alert you to the 2024/5 seminar line-up. Or you can join our circulation email list by contacting Dr Kelly Boyd.

A date has not been chosen yet. The selection committee will choose PhD students based on research topic and year of PhD study. If you would like to apply to take part, please submit by 31 July a one-page document with:

  • Name, university affiliation and email address
  • Dissertation title and brief dissertation summary
  • Year of study (full-time or part-time)