Living well in a digital world: economic, social and cultural challenges

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Living well in a digital world: economic, social and cultural challenges
Date / time
18/05/2023, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Wolfson Medical School
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What is a just, inclusive society? How do we live well, particularly in the digital age? In this all-day workshop organised by the Digital Society and Economy Interdisciplinary Research Theme, we will explore how the digital is embedded in these important questions of what it means to live well by centring the social, cultural, educational, and economic contexts of digital technologies as opposed to the technologies themselves.

In this transdisciplinary all-day workshop and project development forum, we will explore the multi-faceted contexts of living well in a digital society through a series of workshop sessions. The sessions will explore:

  • The Gaitherin: Sustainable productivity
  • Cultural participation
  • Digital (in)justice
  • Intersecting (in)equalities in a digital world

Moving away from disciplinary silos, this workshop will challenge speakers and attendees to consider the bigger questions of how to live well with new technologies. There will be time dedicated to inclusive knowledge exchange, networking, and discussions around project development to identify digital developments and challenges. Attendees are welcome to come along to any or all the sessions.


Find out more from the event flyer.