The Economic History Review

Andrea Caracausi, Matthew Davies and Luca Mocarelli eds., Between regulation and freedom: work and manufactures in European cities 14th–18th centuries ( Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Pp. xiii+146. ISBN 1-5275-0638-X Hbk. £58.99)

Volume 74 Issue 1
Home > The Economic History Review > Andrea Caracausi, Matthew Davies and Luca Mocarelli eds., Between regulation and freedom: work and manufactures in European cities 14th–18th centuries ( Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Pp. xiii+146. ISBN 1-5275-0638-X Hbk. £58.99)
Pages: 299-300Authors: Patrick Wallis
Published online: January 14, 2021DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13059

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