The Economic History Review

Book Reviews

Volume 53 Issue 3
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Pages: 565-619
Published online: June 28, 2008DOI: 10.1111/1468-0289.00171

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John Hunter, The Essex landscape: a study of its form and history Robert Humphreys, No fixed abode: a history of responses to the roofless and the rootless in Britain Robert Malcolmson & Stephanos Mastoris, The English pig: a history Brendan Smith, Britain and Ireland, 900-1300: insular responses to medieval European change Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Guides to sources for British history II: principal family and estate collections: family names L-W Andy Wood, The politics of social conflict: the Peak Country, 1520-1770 Paul Slack, From Reformation to improvement: public welfare in early modern England John Walter, Understanding popular violence in the English Revolution: the Colchester plunders John Smail, Merchants, markets and manufacture: the English wool textile industry in the eighteenth centuary Randolph Trumbach, Sex and the gender revolution: volume 1, heterosexuality and the third gender in Enlightenment London T.M Devine & J.R Young, Eighteenth centuary Scotland: new perspectives Owen Ashton & Stephen Roberts, The Victorian working-class writer Peter T. Marsh, Bargaining in Europe: Britain and the first Common Market, 1860-1892 Michael Lavalette, A thing of the past? Child labour in Britain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Diane Frost, Work and community among West African migrant workers since the nineteenth century Richard Brown & Barry Anthony, A Victorian film enterprise: the history of the British Mutoscope and Biograph Company, 1897-1915 Jonathan Schneer, London 1900: the imperial metropolis Catriona M.M. McDonald & E.W McFarland, Scotland and the Great War David Kynaston, The City of London, III: illusions of gold, 1914-1945 Matt Perry, Bread and work: the experience of unemployment, 1918-39 B.J.C McKercher,Transition of power: Britain’s loss of global pre-eminence to the United States, 1930-1945 Sidney Pollard, Labour history and the labour movement in Britain Jean Andreau, Banking and business in the Roman world Karl Moore & David Lewis, Birth of the multinational: 2,000 years of ancient business history-from Ashur to Augustus Daniel Roche, A history of everyday things: the birth of consumption in France, 1600-1800 Szonja Szelenyi, Equality by design: the grand experiment in destratification in socialist Hungary Kate Fleet, European and Islamic trade in the early Ottoman state: the merchants of Genoa and Turkey Esther Kingston-Mann, In search of the true West: culture economics, and problems of Russian development James R. Harris, The Great Urals: regionalism and the evolution of the Soviet system Melanie Ilic, Women workers in the Soviet interwar economy: from ‘protection’ to ‘equality Richard Bonney, The rise of the fiscal state in Europe, c. 1200-1815 Rosemary L. Hopcroft, Regions, institutions, and agrarian change in European history Mary Lindemann, Medicine and society in early modern Europe Andrew Martin & George Ross, The brave new world of European labor: European trade unions at the millennium Nicholas Reeves, The power of film propaganda: myth and reality? Kevin H. O’Rourke & Jeffrey G. Williamson, Globalization and history: the evolution of a nineteenth-century Atlantic economy Timothy R. Mahoney, Provincial lives: middle-class experience in the antebellum Middle West Lee J. Alston & Joseph P. Ferrie, Southern paternalism and the American welfare state: economics, politics and institutions in the south, 1865-1965S Margaret Levenstein, Accounting for growth: information systems and the creation of the large corporation David C. Mowery &Nathan Rosenberg, Paths of innovation: technological change in 20th century America Robert A. Garson & Stuart S. Kidd, The Roosevelt years: new perspectives on American history, 1933-1945 Thomas Mayer, Monetary policy and the great inflation in the United States: the Federal Reserve and the failure of macroeconomic policy, 1965-1979 Edwin Green & Sara Kinsey, The paradise bank: the Mercantile Bank of India, 1893-1984 Timothy Brook & Gregory Blue, China and historical capitalism: genealogies of sinological knowledge Philip Richardson, Economic change in China, c. 1800-1950 Lynda S. Bell, One industry, two Chinas: silk filatures and peasant-family production in Wuxi county, 1865-1937 William Tsutsui, Manufacturing ideology: scientific management in twentieth-century Japan Atsuko Abe, Japan and the European Union: domestic politics and transnational relations Ralph A. Austen & Mikko Saikku, Middlemen of the Cameroons rivers: the Duala and their hinterland c. 1600-1960 Thomas R. Dunlap, Encountering the past in nature: essays in environmental history Paul Gootenberg, Cocaine: global histories Thomas W. Zeiler, Free trade, free world: the advent of GATT Eric Toussaint, Your money or your life! the tyanny of global finance Richard Swedberg, Max Weber essays in economic sociology Jacques Beauroy, Histoire & Societes Rurales