The Economic History Review

Book reviews

Volume 53 Issue 1
Home > The Economic History Review > Book reviews
Pages: 176-212
Published online: June 28, 2008DOI: 10.1111/1468-0289.00156

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Books reviewed: The monastic order in Yorkshire, Sandra Raban The demography of early modern towns: York in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, John S. Moore Inventories of Worcestershire landed gentry, 1537-1786, Vivienne Larminie Tenant right and agrarian society in Ulster, 1600-1870, S. J. ConnollyRogues, Thieves and the rule of law: the problem of law enforcement in north-east England, 1718-1800, Garthine Walker Newspapers, politics and public opinion in late eighteenth-century England, Owen Jackson Insanity, institutions and society, 1800-1914: a social history of madness in comparative perspective, Bill Luckin Free trade and its reception, 1815-1960: freedom and trade: vol. 1, Mark Wickham-Jones Policing provincial England, 1829-1856: the politics of reform, Roger Swift Writing the Irish Famine, David Fitzpatrick The end of hidden Ireland: rebellion, famine, and emigration, David Fitzpatrick The municipal government of Bristol, 1851-1901, Barry Doyle The history and practice of Britain’s railways: a new research agenda, John Armstrong Education and economic decline in Britain, 1870 to the 1990s, John Maloney ‘The battle for health’: a political history of the Socialist Medical Association, 1930-1951, Virginia Berridge Gresford: the anatomy of a disaster, Joseph Melling Health and society in Britain since 1939, Bernard Harris Mastering the market: the state and the grain trade in northern France, 1700-1860, Colin Heywood Revolution and environment in southern France: peasants, lords, and murder in the Corbieres, 1780-1830, Hugh Clout The role of banks in monitoring firms: the case of Credit Mobilier, Geoffrey E. Wood Repertorium Columbianum, IV, Christopher Columbus and his family: the Genoese and Ligurian documents, Trevor Dean Spain’s men of the sea: daily life on the Indies fleets in the sixteenth century, Marcus Rediker Christianity under the ancien regime, 1648-1789, Linda Kirk Identity and intolerance: nationalism, racism and xenophobia in Germany and the United States, Eve Rosenhaft European culture and the Great War: the arts, entertainment and propaganda, Adrian Gregory Western Europe: economic and social change since 1945, J. Adam Tooze Gotham: a history of New York City to 1898, Karen Wills Copper for America: the United States copper industry from colonial times to the 1990s, Peter Mcleay Manufacturing the future: a history of Western Electric, John Cantwell US trade policy: history, theory and the WTO, Ranald Michie La economia argentina en el largo plazo: ensayos de historia economica de los siglos XIX y XX , Rory Miller Progress, poverty and exclusion: an economic history of Latin America in the twentieth century, Paul Henderson The Chinese business elite in Indonesia and the transition to independence, 1940-1950, Anne Booth Japan’s war economy, Kenneth D. Brown Economic crises and restructuring in history: experiences of small countries, Alan S. Milward The gold standard and related regimes: collected essays, Derek H. Aldcroft