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Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND Emilie Amt, The accession of Henry II in England: royal government restored, 1149-1159 William Hassall and Jacques Beauroy, eds., Lordship and landscape in Norfolk, 1250-1350: the early records of Holkham Barbara A. Hanawalt, Growing up in medieval London: the experience of childhood in history Eileen Spring, Law, land, and family: aristocratic inheritance in England, 1300-1800 Michael Zell, Industry in the countryside: Wealden society in the sixteenth century Ilana Krausman Ben-Amos, Adolescence and youth in early modern England Helen M. Dingwall, Late seventeenth-century Edinburgh: a demographic study T. M. Devine, The transformation of rural Scotland: social change and the agrarian economy, 1660-1815 John Landers, Death and the metropolis: studies in the demographic history of London, 1670-1870 T. R. Gourvish and R. G. Wilson, The British brewing industry, 1830-1980 Donald E. Jordan, Jr., Land and popular politics in Ireland: County Mayo from the plantation to the land war Andrew Davies and Steven Fielding, eds., Workers’worlds: cultures and communities in Manchester and Salford, 1880-1939 Peter Razzell, Essays in English population history Paul Johnson, ed., Twentieth-century Britain: economic, social and cultural change Michael Sanderson, The missing stratum: technical school education in England, 1900-1990s J. H. Bamberg, The history of the British Petroleum Company, 2 GENERAL Susan Pedersen, Family, dependence, and the origins of the welfare state R. J. Overy, War and economy in the Third Reich Olivia Remie Constable, Trade and traders in Muslim Spain: the commercial realignment of the Iberian Peninsula, 900-1500 John Henderson, Piety and charity in late medieval Florence Philip T. Hoffman and Kathryn Norberg, eds., Fiscal crises, liberty, and representative government, 1450-1789 Jonathan Barry and Colin Jones, eds., Medicine and charity before the welfare state Paul R. Gregory, An economic history of Russia from emancipation to the first five-year plan Clive J. Dewey, The settlement literature of the greater Punjab: a handbook R. Chandavarkar, The origins of industrial capitalism in India: business strategies and the working classes in Bombay, 1900-1940 David Pong, Shen Pao-chen and China’s modernisation in the nineteenth century Thomas Weiss and Donald Schaefer, eds., American economic development in historical perspective Richard H. K. Vietor, Contrived competition: regulation and deregulation in America Rondo Cameron, Financing industrialization Cliff Pratten, The stock market Catherine Geissler and Derek Oddy, eds., Food, diet and economic change past and present Graeme D. Snooks, Economics without time: a science blind to the forces of historical change Graeme D. Snooks, ed., Historical analysis in economics Bernard Semmel, The liberal ideal and the demons of empire: theories of imperialism from Adam Smith to Lenin Nathan Rosenberg, Exploring the black box: technology, economics, and history