The Economic History Review

Book reviews

Volume 46 Issue 3
Home > The Economic History Review > Book reviews
Pages: 613-634
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1993.tb01354.x

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Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND A. R. Bridbury, The English economy from Bede to the Reformation Eric Kerridge, The common fields of England R. H. Britnell, The commercialisation of English society, 1000-1500 P. J. P. Goldberg, Women, work, and life cycle in a medieval economy: women in York and Yorkshire, c. 1300-1520 Margaret MacCurtain and Mary O’Dowd, eds., Women in early modern Ireland Lawrence Stone, Uncertain unions: marriage in England, 1660-1753 D. Kynaston, Cazenove and Co.: a history Alastair J. Reid, Social classes and social relations in Britain, 1850-1914 Edward H. Lorenz, Economic decline in Britain: the shipbuilding industry, 1890-1970 Eric Hopkins, The rise and decline of the English working classes, 1918-1990: a social history Philip Williamson, National crisis and National Government: British politics, the economy and the empire, 1926-1932 Kathleen Burk and Alec Cairncross, ‘Goodbye, Great Britain’: the 1976 IMF crisis GENERAL A. Forrest and P. Jones, eds., Reshaping France: town, country and region during the French Revolution Richard Vinen, The politics of French business, 1936-1945 Clara Eugenia Nunez, La fuente de la riqueza: educacion y desarrollo economico en las Espana contemporanea Aurel Schubert, The Credit Anstalt crisis of 1931 Bo Sandelin, ed., The history of Swedish economic thought Youssef Cassis, ed., Finance and financiers in European history, 1880-1960 Peter Mathias and John A. Davis, eds., Innovation and technology in Europe: from the eighteenth century to the present day Teresa L. Amott and Julie A. Matthaei, Race, gender and work: a multicultural economic history of women in the United States David E. Nye, Electrifying America: social meanings of a new technology, 1880-1940 James Schwoch, The American radio industry and its Latin American activities, 1900-1939 Chan Wai Kuan, The making of Hong Kong society: three studies of class formation in early Hong Kong Penelope Francks, Japanese economic development: theory and practice Y. S. Brenner, Hartmut Kaelble, and Mark Thomas, eds., Income distribution in historical perspective H. F. Gospel, ed., Industrial training and technological innovation: a comparative and historical study