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Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN AND John Blair and Nigel Ramsay, eds., English medieval industries: craftsmen, techniques, products Scott L. Waugh, England in the reign of Edward III Bruce Campbell, ed., Before the Black Death: studies in the’crisis’of the early fourteenth century Alan Dyer, Decline and growth in English towns, 1400-1640 Hugh Cunningham, The children of the poor: representations of childhood since the seventeenth century David Crossley and Richard Saville, eds., The Fuller letters: guns, slaves and finance, 1728-1755 Jim Holderness and Michael Turner, eds., Land, labour and agriculture, 1700-1920: essays for Gordon Mingay Adrian Randall, Before the Luddites: custom, community and machinery in the English woollen industry, 1776-1809 Richard Brown, Society and economy in modern Britain, 1700-1850 Keith D. M. Snell, Church and chapel in the north midlands: religious observance in the nineteenth century James A. Jaffe, The struggle for market power: industrial relations in the British coal industry, 1800-1840 David Neave, Mutual aid in the Victorian countryside: friendly societies in the rural East Riding, 1830-1914 Clive Dewey, The passing of Barchester Alun Howkins, Reshaping rural England: a social history, 1850-1925 Stephen Coleman and Paddy O’Sullivan, eds., William Morris and’News from nowhere’: a vision for our time Steven Morewood, Pioneers and inheritors: top management in the Coventry motor industry, 1896-1972 Alec Cairncross, ed., The Robert Hall diaries, 1954-61 Dennis Brailsford, Sport, time and society: the British at play Geoffrey Jones and M. W. Kirby, eds. Competitiveness and the state: government and business in twentieth-century Britain Alice Russell, The growth of occupational welfare in Britain Philip Brook Manville, The origins of citizenship in ancient Athens Alan Harvey, The economic expansion of the Byzantine empire, 900-1200 Daniel Goffman, Izmir and the Levantine world, 1550-1650 Stuart Woolf, ed., Domestic strategies: work and family in France and Italy, 1600-1800 David Sven Reher, Town and country in pre-industrial Spain: Cuenca, 1550-1870 Bruce M. S. Campbell and Mark Overton, eds., Land, labour and livestock: historical studies in European agricultural productivity David Christian, Living water: vodka and Russian society on the eve of emancipation E. Kingston-Mann and T. Mixter, eds., Peasant economy, culture, and politics of European Russia, 1800-1921 Stephen Constantine, ed., Emigrants and empire: British settlement in the dominions between the wars Christopher Clark, The roots of rural capitalism: western Massachusetts, 1780-1860 W. B. Stephens, Sources for U.S. history: nineteenth-century communities J. P. Ronda, Astoria and empire Arthur F. McEvoy, The fisherman’s problem: ecology and law in the California fisheries, 1850-1980 Roger L. Ransom, Conflict and compromise: the political economy of slavery, emancipation, and the American Civil War Robert A. Margo, Race and schooling in the South, 1880-1950: an economic history Michael J. French, The U.S. tire industry: a history James Harvey Young, Pure food: securing the Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906 Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: industrial workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 Henry R. Nau, The myth of America’s decline: leading the world economy into the 1990s Carole Shammas, The pre-industrial consumer in England and America William Lazonick, Competitive advantage on the shop floor Michael Veseth, Mountains of debt: crisis and change in Renaissance Florence, Victorian Britain, and postwar America Mary O’Furner and Barry Supple, eds., The state and economic knowledge F. Bostock and G. Jones, Planning and power in Iran: Ebtehaj and economic development under the Shah Peter Duus, Raymon Myers, and Mark R. Peattie, eds., The Japanese informal empire in China, 1895-1937 W. Dean Kinzley, Industrial harmony in modern japan: the invention of a tradition John G. Clark, The political economy of world energy: a twentieth-century perspective William J. Barber, ed., Perspectives on the history of economic thought. Vol. 5 Themes in pre-classical and marxian economics. Vol. 6 Themes in Keynesian criticism and supplementary modern topics Robert Higgs, ed., Arms, politics, and the economy: historical and contemporary perspectives O. F. Hamouda and B. B. Price, Verification in economics and history: a sequel to ‘scientifization Charles Harvey and Jon Press, eds., International competition and industrial change: essays in the history of mining and metallurgy, 1800-1950 Mary B. 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