The Economic History Review

Book Reviews

Volume 45 Issue 3
Home > The Economic History Review > Book Reviews
Pages: 614-635
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1992.tb02154.x

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Book review in this articles: Pierre Bonnassie, From slavery to feudalism in south-western Europe Stephen A. Epstein, Wage labor and guilds in medieval Europe Gerard Sivery, Terroirs et communautes rurales dans l’Europe occidentale au moyen age Maxine Berg, ed., Markets and manufacture in early industrial Europe Ad van der Woude, Jan de Vries, and Akira Hayami, eds., Urbanization in history: a process of dynamic interactions Peter Mandler, ed., The uses of charity: the poor on relief in the nineteenth-century metropolis Donald Reid, Paris sewers and sewermen: realities and representations Martine Segalen, Fifteen generations of Bretons: kinship and society in lower Brittany Olivier Marchand and Claude Thelot, Deux siecles de travail en France Judith Wishnia, The proletarianizing of the fonctionnaires: civil service workers and the labor movement under the Third Republic Michel Margairaz, l’etat, les finances et Peconomie: histoire d’une conversion, 1932-1952 Leo A. Loubere, The wine revolution in France: the twentieth century David Blackbourn and Richard J. Evans, eds., The German bourgeoisie: essays on the social history of the German middle class from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century Steven B. Webb, Hyperinflation and stabilization in Weimar Germany Knut Borchardt, Perspectives on modern German economic history and policy A. Barkai, Nazi economics: ideology, theory and policy L. M. E. Shaw, Trade, inquisition and the English nation in Portugal, 1650-1690 Antonio Calabria, The cost of empire: the finances of the kingdom of Naples in the time of Spanish rule Peter J. Boettke, The political economy of Soviet socialism: the formative years, 1918-1928 John Gillingham, Coal, steel and the rebirth of Europe, 1945-1955: the Germans and French from Ruhr conflict to Economic Community Roger Munting and B. A. Holderness, Crisis, recovery and war: an economic history of continental Europe, 1918-1945 Harold James, Haken Lindgren, and Alice Teichova, eds., The role of banks in the interwar economy Leonard M. Dudley. The word and the sword: how techniques of information and violence have shaped our world