The Economic History Review

Book reviews

Volume 45 Issue 1
Home > The Economic History Review > Book reviews
Pages: 188-219
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1992.tb01298.x

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Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND David Parsons, ed., Stone: quarrying and building in England, AD 43-1525 Christopher Dyer, Hanbury: settlement and society in a woodland landscape Michael MacDonald and Terence R. Murphy, Sleepless souls: suicide in early modern England Paul Slack, The English poor law, 1531-1782 Mick Reed and Roger Wells, eds., Class, conflict and protest in the English countryside, 1700-1880 G. R. Boyer, An economic history of the English poor law, 1750-1850 G. E. Mingay, A social history of the English countryside A. F. J. Brown, Meagre harvest: the Essex farm workers’ struggle against poverty, 1751-1914 Philippe Chalmin, The making of a sugar giant: Tate PS Lyle, 1859-1989 John D. Hey and Donald N. Winch, eds., A century of economics: 100 years of the Royal Economic Society and the’Economic journal’ Michael Kitson and Solomos Solomou, Protectionism and economic revival: the British interwar economy John Hendry, Innovating for failure: government policy and the early British computer industry GENERAL Elizabeth Armstrong, Before copyright: the French book-privilege system, 1498-1526 Margaret H. Darrow, Revolution in the house: family, class, and inheritance in southern France, 1775-1825 John E. Knodel, Demographic behaviour in the past: a study of 14 German village populations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Peter J. Lyth, Inflation and the merchant economy: the Hamburg Mittelstand, 1914-1924 Herbert F. Ziegler, Nazi Germany’s new aristocracy: the SS leadership, 1925-1939 Italia Judaica: gli Ebrei in Italia dalla segregazione alla prima emancipazione Alice Teichova, The Czechoslovak economy, 1918-1980 Penelope J. Corfield and Derek Keene, eds., Work in towns, 850-1850 Simon P. Ville, Transport and the development of the European economy, 1750-1918 Pamela M. Pilbeam, The middle classes in Europe, 1789-1914: France, Germany, Italy and Russia Peter Baldwin, The politics of social solidarity: class bases of the European welfare state, 1875-1975 J. Matthew Gallman, Mastering wartime: a social history of Philadelphia during the Civil War Lyman J. Johnson and Enrique Tandeter, eds, Essays on the price history of eighteenth-century Latin America