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Books reviewed: Malcolm Gaskill, Crime and mentalities in early modern England Nancy Cox, The complete tradesman: a study of retailing, 1550-1820 Rosalind Mitchison, The old poor law in Scotland: the experience of poverty, 1574-1845 Sarah Bendall, Christopher Brooke, and Patrick Collinson, A history of Emmanuel College, Cambridge Michael Roberts and Simone Clarke, eds., Women and gender in early modern Wales Lena Cowen Orlin, ed., Material London, ca. 1600 Martin Daunton and Rick Halpern, eds., Empire and others: British encounters with indigenous peoples, 1600-1850 Andrea Finkelstein, Harmony and the balance: an intellectual history of seventeenth-century English economic thought Jeremy Gregory, Restoration, reformation and reform, 1660-1828: archbishops of Canterbury and their diocese Ron Harris, Industrializing English law: entrepreneurship and business organization, 1720-1844 Charles More, Understanding the industrial revolution Andy Bielenberg, ed., The Irish diaspora Simon Gunn, The public culture of the Victorian middle class: ritual and authority in the English industrial city, 1840-1914 J. Matthew Gallman, Receiving Erin’s children: Philadelphia, Liverpool and the Irish Famine migration, 1845-1855 Keir Waddington, Charity and the London hospitals, 1850-1898 Katrina Honeyman, Well suited: a history of the Leeds clothing industry, 1850-1990 Gillian Cookson and George Ingle, eds., John Hodgson’s ‘Textile manufacture and other industries in Keighley’ David W. Howell and Kenneth O. Morgan, eds., Crime, protest and police in modern British society: essays in memory of David J. V. Jones Michael French and Jim Phillips, Cheated not poisoned? Food regulation in the United Kingdom, 1875-1938 Brian Callanan, Ireland’s Shannon story: leaders, visions and networks–a case study of local and regional development Graham Ingham, Managing change: a guide to British economic policy Philip de Souza, Piracy in the Graeco-Roman world Edwin S. Hunt and James M. Murray, A history of business in medieval Europe, 1200-1550 Liliane Hilaire-Perez, L’invention technique au siecle des Lumieres William Doyle, La venalite Marco H. D. van Leeuwen, trans. A. J. Pomerans, The logic of charity: Amsterdam, 1800-1850 Herman Van der Wee, ed., The Generale Bank, 1822-1997 Thomas Max Safley, Matheus Miller’s memoir: a merchant’s life in the seventeenth century Gabriel Tortella, trans. Valerie Herr, The development of modern Spain: an economic history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Panikos Panayi, Outsiders: a history of European minorities Lennart Samuelson, Plans for Stalin’s war machine: Tukhachevskii and military-economic planning, 1925-1941 Christopher Fyfe, ed., Anna Maria Falconbridge, ‘Narrative of two voyages to the River Sierra Leone during the years 1791-1792-1793’, and the journal of Isaac Dubois, with Alexander Falconbridge, ‘An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa’ Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy, An empire divided: the American Revolution and the British Caribbean Steven N. Kaplan, ed., Mergers and productivity Shawn W. Miller, Fruitless trees: Portuguese conservation and Brazil’s colonial timber Maria Misra, Business, race and politics in British India, c. 1850-1960 Sherman Cochran, Encountering Chinese networks: western, Japanese, and Chinese corporations in China, 1880-1937 Xin Zhang, Social transformation in modern China: the state and local elites in Henan 1900-1937 Ian Inkster and Fumihiko Satofuka, eds., Culture and technology in modern Japan David Turley, Slavery M. L. Bush, Servitude in modern times Mary A. Yeager, ed., Women in business Jonathan Zeitlin and Gary Herrigel, eds., Americanization and its limits: reworking US technology and management in post-war Europe and Japan Sebastian Edwards, ed., Capital flows and the emerging economies: theory, evidence and controversies Phillip D. Curtin, The world and the West: the European challenge and the overseas response in the age of empire Christine Rider and Micheal Thompson, eds., The industrial revolution in comparative perspective Michalis Psalidopoulos, ed., The canon in the history of economics: critical essays