The Economic History Review

Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economic figures in early eighteenth‐century England1

Volume 60 Issue 4
Home > The Economic History Review > Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economic figures in early eighteenth‐century England1
Pages: 685-711Authors: NATASHA GLAISYER
Published online: March 20, 2007DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.2006.00375.x

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Credit in early modern England has been studied by both social historians of the market and historians of the book. The intersection of these literatures is explored by asking the question: how did producers of books about interest (which was closely connected to credit) convince readers that their books could be trusted? One particular book is considered: a palm-sized book of interest calculations by John Castaing. Most importantly, and unusually, many copies of this book contain his signature, which, it is argued, must be interpreted in the context of the particular role that signatures played in guaranteeing financial transactions.