The Economic History Review

David Cox (ed.), Evesham Abbey and Local Society in the Late Middle Ages. The Abbot’s Household Account 1456–7 and the Priors’ Registers 1520–40. Worcester: Worcester Archive and Archaeology Service, 2021. pp. 229. ISSN 01414577

Volume 75 Issue 4
Home > The Economic History Review > David Cox (ed.), Evesham Abbey and Local Society in the Late Middle Ages. The Abbot’s Household Account 1456–7 and the Priors’ Registers 1520–40. Worcester: Worcester Archive and Archaeology Service, 2021. pp. 229. ISSN 01414577
Pages: 1381-1382Authors: Nick Peyton
Published online: October 10, 2022DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13206

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