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D. C. Goleman H. B. A. Petersson Joyce Godber David J. Johnson William Herbert Dorothy Styles (Ed.) J. T. Cliffe D. G. Vaisey (Ed.) Donald Veall Elizabeth Ralph and Mary E. Williams (Eds.) H. J. Dyos and D. H. Aldcroft D. C. Coleman (Ed.) W. E. Minchinton (Ed.) Frank Tyrer (Ed.) Ralph Davis T. S. Willan A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson Richard L. Hills Owen Ashmore W. E. Coe John Holland J. R. Leifchild Robert L. Galloway H. Stanley Jevons T. Pakenham Malcolm I. Thomis F. O. Darvall Robert E. Carlson Seymour Broadbridge Joel H. Wiener J. L. Hammond and Barbara Hammond Elizabeth Isichei E. P. Neufeld Roderick Martin Colin and Rose Bell Ann Saunders Frank Barlow (Ed.) Sredniye Veka, no. 32. (Moscow): Nauka, for the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 1969. Pp. 331.) Sidney Horrocks (Comp.) Edmund Spenser Audrey M. Erskine (Ed.) Esther Moir R. J. Cornewall-Jones Henry Fry L. T. G. Rolt L. H. C. Tippett Edwin A. Pratt C. E. R. Sherrington Francis Whishaw Philip S. Bagwell and G. E. Mingay Adelaide Weinberg W. O. Henderson Donald Winch M. I. Finley. Alison Burford F. Bechhofer (Ed.) Robert and Elborg Forster (Eds.) E. L. Jones and S. J. Woolf (Eds.) A. H. Bunting (Ed.) Richard Gray and David Birmingham (Eds.) Monica Wilson and Leonard Thompson (Eds.) D. A. Farnie Andrea Gunder Frank Andrea Gunder Frank