The Economic History Review

B. Zorina Khan, Inventing ideas. Patents, prizes and the knowledge economy ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xiii+462. 46 figs. 44 tabs. ISBN 9780190936075 Hbk. £64; ISBN 9780190936082 Pbk. £19.99)

Volume 74 Issue 4
Home > The Economic History Review > B. Zorina Khan, Inventing ideas. Patents, prizes and the knowledge economy ( Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xiii+462. 46 figs. 44 tabs. ISBN 9780190936075 Hbk. £64; ISBN 9780190936082 Pbk. £19.99)
Pages: 1115-1116Authors: Alessandro Nuvolari
Published online: October 11, 2021DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13126

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