The Economic History Review

Reputational recovery under political instability: Public debt in Portugal, 1641–83

Volume 76 Issue 3
Home > The Economic History Review > Reputational recovery under political instability: Public debt in Portugal, 1641–83
Pages: 871-891Authors: Leonor Freire Costa, Susana Münch Miranda
Published online: November 9, 2022DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13217

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This article examines the reputation recovery of Portugal’s public debt during the war of liberation against the former Habsburg ruler. Using novel datasets on long- and short-term debt and nominal interest rates, this study provides evidence that the sovereign borrower used debt credibility to build a pact of regime in a revolutionary context with implications for financing the war. The Portuguese kings followed an implicit budget balance rule as a reputational scheme, which made Portugal an exceptional case of military success with a low debt-to-GDP ratio and low interest rates. These conclusions contribute to the literature in various attributes of war finance, debt management, and state-making by showing that default avoidance could be as important to military success as fiscal capacity.