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Books reviewed in this article: R. B. PUGH. The Crown Estate, An Historical Eassay. ERIC JOHN. Land Tenure in Early England. B. C. REDWOOD and A. E. WILSON (Eds.). Custumals of the Sussex manors of the archbishop of Canterbury. F. B. STITT (Ed.). Lenton Prioy Estate Accounts 1296 to 1298. A. K. LONGFIELD (Ed.), Fitz William Accounts, WILLIAM D. GRAMPP. The Manchester School of Economics. CHARLES HADFIELD. The Canals of South Wales and the Border. BRIAN SIMON. Studies in the History of Education, DAVID ST JOHN THOMAS. A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain. ASA BRIGGS and JOHN SAVILLE (Eds.). Essays in Labour History in Memory of G. D. H. Cole. WALTER M. STERN. The Porters of London. V. L. ALLEN. Trade Unions and the Government. Annali II (1959). (Istituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milan. FEDERICO SQUARZINA. Industria e legislazione mineraria in Italia. I. Eta antica. II. Eta di mezzo. BRUNO CASINI. I fuochi di Pisa e la prestanza del 1407. JACQUES HEERS. Le livre de comptes de Giovanni Piccamiglio, homme d’affaires genois, FEDERICO SQUARZINA. Brevi cenni sulla produzione italiana nel secolo xx di Zolfo e pirite, metalli e loro minerali, combustibili solidi, petrolio e gas idrocarburanti, forze endogene. E. NASALLI ROCCA. Le vicende camerali nella economia piacentina dall’Ottocento al primo Novecento. R. ROMEO. Risorgimento e capitalisma. GIANNINO PARRAVICINI. La politica fiscale e le entrate effettive del Regno d’ltalia1860-1890. ISABELLE GUERIN. La Vie rurale en Sologne aux XIVe et XVe siecles. PIERRE TUCOO-CHALA. Gaston Febus et la vicomte de Bearn, 1343-1391. BERTRAND GILLE. La Banque et le Credit en France de 1815 d 1848. BERTRAND GILLE. Recherches sur la formation de la grande entreprise capitaliste (1815-1848). P. LEUILLIOT. L’ Alsace au debut du XIXeme siecle. Essais d’histoire politique, eco-nomique et religieuse (1815-1830). T. C. COCHRAN. Basic History of American Business. RICHARD C. WADE. The Urban Frontier: The Rise of Western Cities, 1790-1830. PAUL C. HENLEIN. Cattle Kingdom in the Ohio Valley 1783-1860. CARTER GOODRICH. Government Promotion of American Canals and Railroads, 1800-1890. BRAY HAMMOND. Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the civil War. ANTHONY M. TANG. Economic Development in the Southern Piedmont, 1860-1950: Its impact on agriculture. ROBERT P. SHARKEY. Money, Class and Party. GEORGE W. BISHOP Jr. Charles H. Doto and the Dow Theory. MATTHEW JOSEPHSON. Edison. HENRIETTA M. LARSON and KENNETH WIGGINS PORTER. History of Humble Oil and Refining Company. HARRIS GAYLORD WARREN. Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression. WALTER GALENSON. The CIO Challenge to the AFL, a History of the American Labor Movement, 1935-1941. RALPH E. FREEMAN (Ed.). Postwar Economic Trends in the United States. H. V. PROCHNOW (Ed.). The Federal Reserve System. T. K. DERRY and TREVOR I. WILLIAMS. A Short History of Technology. VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON. Northwest to Fortune. VALENTINE T. BILL. The Forgotten Class, The Russian Bourgeoisie from Earliest Beginnings to 1900. B. B. MISRA. The Central Administration of the East India Company 1773-1834. H. S. FERNS. Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. ARTHUR I. BLOOMFIELD. Monetary Policy under the International Gold Standard: 1880-1914.