The Economic History Review


Volume 12 Issue 3
Pages: 463-518
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1960.tb00955.x

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Albert H. Imlah. Economic Elements in the Pax Britannica. E. A. Benians, Sir James Butler and C. E. Carrington (Eds.). The Cambridge History of the British Empire. Lucy Brown. The Board of Trade and the Free- Trade Movement 1830-42. A. T. Gaydon. The Publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society. A. Mary Kirkus (Ed.). The Records of the Commissioners of Sewers in the Ports of Holland i547-1603. R. Robson. The Attorney in Eighteenth-Century England. Asa Briggs. The Age of Improvement. Norman McGord. The Anti-Corn Law League 1838-1846. A. H. John. A Liverpool Merchant House: Being the History of Alfred Booth and Company 1863-1958. E. H. Phelps Brown. The Growth of British Industrial Relations. R. Brentano. York Metropolitan Jurisdiction and Papal Judges Delegate, 1279-1296. J. B. Black. The Reign of Elizabeth. A. H. Shorter. Paper Mills and Paper Makers in England, 1495-1800. L. G. JOHNSON. The Social Evolution of Industrial Britain: A study in the growth of our industrial society. Margaret Hewitt. Wives and Mothers in Victorian Industry. University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff A Short History of the Scottish Coal-Mining Industry. D. E. Varley. A History of the Midland Counties Lace Manufacturers Association. G. Luzzatto. Breve storia economica d’ltalia dalla caduta delVimpero romano al principio del Cinquecento. L. de Rosa. I cambi esteri del Regno di Napoli dal 1591 al 1707, in Biblioteca del Bollettino. G. Aleati. La poplazione di Pavia durante il dominio spagnolo. U. Meroni. Cremona fedelissima. Luigi Dal Pane. LO Stato Pontificio e il movimento riformatore del Settecento. B. Gaizzi. Storia del setificio comasco: Veconomia. P. L. Spaggiari, Il ducato di Parma e VEuropa (1854-59). Astone Gasparetto. Il vetro di Murano dalle origini ad oggi. M. Abrate. Lindustria metallurgica in Europa nella prima meta del XIX secolo-una valutazione piemontese. Giorgio Mori. La Valdelsa dal 1840 al igoo. Manlio Rossi Doria. Died anni dipolitico, agraria nel Mezzogiorno. Joseph Dorfman. The Economic Mind in American Civilization. John J. Murray. The Heritage of the Middle West. Lewis H. Kimmel. Federal Budget and Fiscal Policy iy8g-igj8. Frank Thistlethwaite. The Anglo-American Connection in the Early Nineteenth Century. Clifton K. Yearley, Jr. Britons in American Labor: A History of the Influence of the United Kingdom Immigrants on American Labor, 1820-1914. Robert S. Hunt. Law and Locomotives: The Impact of the Railroad on Wisconsin Law in the Nineteenth Century. George J. Kuehnl. The Wisconsin Business Corporation. P. L. Payne and L. E. Davis. The Savings Bank of Baltimore, 1818-1866. Alfred Glaze Smith, Jr. Economic Readjustment of An Old Cotton State: South Carolina, 1820-1860. Leonard J. Arrington. Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints 1830-igoo. J. Stanley Clark. The Oil Century: From the Drake Well to the Conservation Era. Oscar E. Anderson, Jr. The Health of a Nation: Harvey W. Wiley and the Fight for Pure Food. Philip Taft. The A.F. of L. from the Death of Gompers to the Merger. Gertrude Bancroft. The American Labor Force: Its Growth and Changing Composition. S. N. Whitney. Antitrust Policies. Lester V. Chandler. Benjamin Strong, Central Banker. Sidney Cottle and Tate Whitman. Corporate Earning Power and Market Valuation 1935-1955. Fritz M. Heichelheim. An Ancient Economic History, From the Palaeolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slavic, and Arabic Nations. Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg and Harry W. Pearson (Eds.). H. Michell. The Economics of Ancient Greece. Second edition. John W. Baldwin. The Medieval Theories of the Just Price. A. Bieler. La pensee economique et sociale de Calvin. H. C. Allen. Bush and Backwoods-a comparison of the frontier in Australia and the United States. John Joseph Beer. The Emergence of the German Dye Industry. (Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences. Mark W. Leiserson. Wages and Economic Control in Norway 1945-1957- (Harvard University Press. T. C. Cochran. The Puerto Rican Businessman: A Study in Cultural Change. Oliver C. Cox. The Foundations of Capitalism.