The Economic History Review


Volume 10 Issue 2
Pages: 152-153
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1957.tb01905.x

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Reviews in this Article HISTORY OF FOOD. J. C. Drummond and Anne Wilbraham. The Englishman’s Food, a History of Five Centuries of English Diet. THE ENGLISH FENLAND. H. C. Darby. The Medieval Fenland and The Draining of the Fens. MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. Curia Regis Rolls. A MEDIEVAL FESTSCHRIFT. Wirtschaft und Kultur. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Alfons Dopsch. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Richard B. Schlatter. The Social Ideas of Religious Leaders, 1660-88. C. W. Cole. Colbert and a Century of French Mercantilism. N. W. Posthumus. De Geschiedenis van de Leidsche Lakenindustrie. INCOME TAX. Arthur Hope-Jones. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. C. W. Guillebaud. The Economic Recovery of Germany from 1933 to March 1938. L. E,. Hubbard. The Economics of Soviet Agriculture. Fei Hsiao-tung. Peasant Life in China, A Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley, with a preface by Professor Bronislaw Malinowski. CANADA. G. E. Britnell. The Wheat Economy. S. A. Saunders. Studies in the Economy of the Maritime Provinces. TECHNOLOGY. The Collected Papers of Rhys Jenkins. H. W. Dickinson. A Short History of the Steam Engine.