The Economic History Review


Volume 6 Issue 2
Pages: 204-217
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1953.tb01501.x

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Book Review in this Articles P. B. Struve. Sotsial’naya i ekonomicheskaya istoriya Rossii s drevneyshikh vremen do nashego, v svyazi s razvitiyem russkoy kul’tury i rostom rossiyskoy gosudarstvennosti (Social and Economic History of Russia from the ancient times to the present, in connexion with the development of Russian culture and the growth of Russian statehood). (Paris. 1952. Pp.386.) Joan Thirsk. Fenland Farming in the Sixteenth Century. John Ehrman. The Navy in the War of William III, 1689-97. Edward Hughes. North Country Life in the Eighteenth Century. The North-East, 1700-50. Archibald and Nan L. Clow. The Chemical Revolution. George W. F. Hallgarten. lmperialismus vor 1914. K. G. J. C. Knowles. Strikes. E. L. Hargreaves and M. M. Gowing. History of the Second World War. Civil Industry and Trade. J. Hurstfield. History of the Second World War. The Control of Raw Materials.