The Economic History Review


Volume 5 Issue 3
Pages: 412-422
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1953.tb01480.x

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Book Reviews in This Article: W. G. Hoskins and H. P. R. Finberg. Devonrhire Studies. Jean Lejeune. La Formation du Capitalisme Moderne dans la Principaute de Liege au XVle Siecle. C. Northcote Parkinson. The Rise of the Port of Liverpool. George Rogers Taylor. The Transportation Revolution, 1815-1860. R. A. Lewis. Edwin Chadwick and the Public Health Movement, 1832-1854. Louis Girard. La politique des travaux publics du Second Empire. Andre Lefevre. Sous le Second Empire: Chemins de fer et politique.