The Economic History Review


Volume 5 Issue 1
Pages: 128-143
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1952.tb01457.x

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Book Review in this Articles J. U. Nef. War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilisation. Benjamin N. Nelson. The Idea of Usury: From Tribal Brotherhood to Universal Othrhood. Edward Miller. The Abbey and Bishopric of Ely. The Social History of an Ecclesiastical Estate from the tenth century to the early fourteenth century. H. P. R. Finberg. Tavistock Abbey. A Study in the Social and Economic History of Devon. Sydney Knox Mitchell. Taxation in Medieval England. Edited by Sidney Painter. T. S. Willan. The Navigation of the River Weaver during the Eighteenth Century. Michael Greenberg. British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42. The Trowbridge Woollen Industry as Illustrated by the Stock Books of John and Thomas Clark, 1804-1824. Edited for the Wiltshirc Archaeological and Natural History Society by R. P. Beckinsale. Kenneth Smith. 73e Multhusian Controversy. T. R. Malthus. Principles of Political Economy. Karl Marx. Theories of Surplus Value. Translated by G. A. Bonner and Emile Burns. William B. Gates Jr. Michigan Copper and Boston Dollars. An Economic History of the Michigan Copper Mining Industry. The Third Statistical Account of Scotland: Ayshire. Edited by John Strawhorn and William Boyd. R. J. Hammond. History of the Second World War. Food.
