The Economic History Review


Volume 2 Issue 1
Pages: 88-101
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1949.tb01806.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: Paul Einzig Primitive Money: in its etiological, historical and economic aspects. J. Lestocquoy Patriciens du Moyen-Age: Les Dynasties Bourgeoises d’Arras du Xle au XVe Siecle. J. W. F. Hill. Medieval Lincoln. Ellic Howe [Ed.]. The London Compositor. Documents relating to the Wages, Working Conditions and Customs of the London Printing Trade, 1785-1900. Domenico Demarco: (I) II tramonto dello statopontificio. Louis Hartz. Economic Policy and Democratic Thought: Pennsylvania, 1776-1860. Holden Furber. John Company at Work. J. S. Furnivall. Colonial Polity and Practice. A comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India.