The Economic History Review


Volume a7 Issue 1
Pages: 76-94
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1936.tb00913.x

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Book reviewed in this article PROPERTY. C. Reinold Notes. The Institution of Property. ROMAN EGYPT. THE MANOR IN FRANCE. Ch. E. Perrin. Recherches sur la Seigneurie rurale en Lorraine ?apres les plus anciens censiers. Joseph R. Strayer. The Royal Domain in the Bailliage of Rouen. N. P. Graziansky. The Burgundian Village from the Tenth to the Twelfth Centuries (in Russian). Georges Guichard, COmte de Neufbourg, Edouard Perroy,-J.-E. Dufour (editors). MEDIEVAL MONASTIC FINANCE. Paul Harsin. (I) Les doctrines monetaires et financieres en France du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle.